Incredibly precise surgery to save the wing of a bat

Updated 1 year ago
Rescue - 21st October, 2022
Rehabilitation - 22nd October, 2022


When you only weigh 6 grams, your bones are very, very small!

Unfortunately for this soprano pipistrelle bat, he was caught by a cat and arrived in our care with an open fracture to one of the bones in his wing. With the exposed bone being smaller than the width of a pencil lead, traditional orthopaedic surgery was just not possible, but our vet team was determined to try...


Using the sterile tip of an insulin needle (with the point removed) as an internal pin, Meriem carefully realigned the bone fragments before thoroughly cleaning and closing the wound site.

This little guy is far from out of the woods yet, but current signs are good and we are keeping everything crossed for his recovery!

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