Rescue - 16th October, 2022
Rehabilitation - 31st October, 2022
Arriving at the centre completely collapsed, this poor young fox was barely clinging on to life. Not only was she incredibly weak, but she had bite injuries to her neck, early mange, fly strike, an open fracture to one toe and, if they weren't already enough, blood tests strongly suggest that she was poisoned.All of this combined produced a very poor prognosis, but she was a fighter and our vet team were determined to save her life.

With her arriving in such a critical state, she was placed on IV fluids to gently stabilise her condition. With blood tests and an ultrasound examination finding no ruptures to her internal organs she could, very slowly, begin treatment.After four days of work, she was finally starting to gain strength and, once our vet team were happy, the toe was amputated and the wounds closed.
A week later and you would never know it was the same fox! Now able to walk, run and jump as normal, she only has a few days left before she can return to freedom!