Enormous Red Kite grounded from the skies

Updated 1 year ago
Rescue - 17th October, 2022
Release - 20th October, 2022


Red Kite's certainly aren't the most common of visitors to Wildlife Aid, so, when this enormous bird of prey arrived, we were slightly stunned!

Being one of the largest red kites we've ever seen here, there were no clear signs as to why it was grounded.

Meriem, our lead vet, gave the bird a full examination but couldn't find any injuries. In order to get to the bottom of this mystery, she performed a precautionary x-ray, along with blood tests.


Still, nothing abnormal showed up in any of the tests. The next course of action was to give this gorgeous bird some r&r, in hope that she may regain energy to fly.


Luckily, with just a few days of well deserved rest, the kite was fighting fit and swiftly passed a flight test!

With the all clear given, it was back to the skies for this amazing creature.

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