This fox cub was rescued just in time!

Updated 1 year ago
Rescue - 26th May, 2023
Rehabilitation - 26th May, 2023
Release - 27th May, 2023


Well... this is definitely not where you expect to find a fox cub!

Last week, we received a call about a young fox that had managed to get her HEAD stuck in a fence.

Unfortunately, her struggles to escape had only caused her to slip further and further down the fence and and she was at imminent risk of suffocation. With traffic causing our most experienced rescuers to be more than an hour away, Hannah (who only completed her rescue training with us two weeks prior) rushed over on her own...

Amazingly, Hannah not only managed to quickly locate the poor cub, she managed to free her single handedly! Using a small crowbar to slightly widen the gap, the youngster was soon contained and Hannah rushed her back to the centre for a checkup.


Once safely back at the centre, the little cub was rushed straight in to see our vet team.

Amazingly, although understandably quite scared, she had escaped injury and was only left with a few small scrapes and bruises as a result. With the very early signs of mange on her skin, she was given a single-dose treatment before being moved to one of our pens for monitoring.

All of our enclosures have full CCTV coverage so, luckily, we can monitor all patients for any signs of distress.


With monitoring finding no issues of concern, Hannah was given the privilege of taking this little girl back home.

Once she knew where she was, the little cub shot out of the cage and right back to the garden where her mum was waiting!

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