Fox trapped by the head

Updated 1 year ago
Rescue - 7th September, 2022


You’d be surprised at just how many animals Simon has had to free from dilapidated garden fences, over the years. Without our intervention, most, if not all, would have certainly perished.

This fox was was no different! With his head firmly wedged in between a concrete post and a breeze block wall, it certainly wouldn't have escaped without help.

With Lawrie, the more nimble of the two, he quickly hopped over the wall and prepared to lift the fox's body, whilst Simon took hold of the head.

Working gently, so not to cause any damage to the fox, the boys slowly managed to wiggle it free and before they knew it, the fox was off like a shot!

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When you adopt an animal you help towards the costs of looking after all the animals of your chosen species here at the hospital.

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