Deer fawns are known for being difficult to spot, but this unfortunate youngster left us all expecting the worst when he was run over by a tractor-pulled tine harrow not once, but TWICE.

With many of the team immediately fearing the worst, we tried to get the little guy into care as quickly as possible and, amazingly, Carolyn (our Hospital Manager, Alannah's mother!) rushed straight over to collect him.

Quickly collected and rushed back to the centre, Marco (one of our vets) set to work on a full veterinary examination. With the tines on the harrow making puncture wounds a very real worry, every single inch of the poor fawn had to be checked in complete silence.

Incredibly, the little fawn had not only escaped major injury, there wasn't even a scratch on him! With several checks confirming not a single injury, there was only one thing left to do... release!
Once we were sure all was well (and we'd picked our jaws up from the floor), he was carefully returned home and successfully reunited with his mother. What a story!